Hey, have you checked out this site yet? http://www.lindalarue.com/club.html
It's Linda LaRue's online fitness club that clues you in each month to new exercise moves, recipes, and health/fitness articles. You should take a look - it gives you support to surround your experience with the Crunchless Abs videos.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Flat Abs for Santa
It's mid-December and you know what that means: Holiday Overeating Season. My season will officially commence Friday with the first dinner party of the season, followed by several more. Check out this blog entry from Linda LaRue about keeping up your commitment to yourself and your health even during this food-oriented time of year. It's an encouraging entry with a nice little reminder to keep on doing the Crunchless Abs workout - good advice!
crunchless abs,
flat abs,
Linda LaRue,
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Banking Calories
I want to encourage you to check out this website: http://www.intent.com/
Click all around the thing - it's full of inspirational articles, blog entries, personal aspirations, tips, contemplations and information. The first entry I read made me laugh out loud - it was compassionate as well as funny.
Linda LaRue - the brain behind Crunchless Abs - has a number of great, helpful blog entries on intent.com. There's one in particular to keep in mind throughout this holiday month of eating - it's all about "banking calories" - a really cool concept. Read it!
Click all around the thing - it's full of inspirational articles, blog entries, personal aspirations, tips, contemplations and information. The first entry I read made me laugh out loud - it was compassionate as well as funny.
Linda LaRue - the brain behind Crunchless Abs - has a number of great, helpful blog entries on intent.com. There's one in particular to keep in mind throughout this holiday month of eating - it's all about "banking calories" - a really cool concept. Read it!
banking calories,
crunchless abs,
Monday, November 24, 2008
Most Rewarding Part
When I set out on the Crunchless Abs mission, I would have thought that the flat abs would be the most rewarding part of the process. But now i'm thinking that even more valuable than that is how it brings you into your body. It makes you aware of your muscles and how you use them when you're out in the world. While doing chores, ice skating with little kids, whatever... you have a new sense of how you're using your body. It's good.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Win Friends and Influence People
You're going to think I'm obsessed with soup now. I made the butternut squash soup again yesterday. I had some girlfriends over and we ate the soup as the main dish, and a nice salad and everyone loved it. So, really, do yourself a favor and make some soup - you could win friends and influence people with it. ;) Alright, I promise not to talk about food the next time I'm online. I'll actually give you an update on my abdominal progress!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I Could Live on Soup Alone
Have I ever told you how I think I could live on soup alone?? I've said it numerous times to my fellow eaters when I'm slurping down some heavenly broth, or when I've been eating too much in general and a simple bowl of soup sounds like the most perfect food ever. Well, as you can imagine, this makes Linda LaRue's SOUPer Slim meal plan that comes with Crunchless Abs a no-brainer good thing in my book. I made a batch of the roasted veggie soup a couple weeks ago with butternut squash I grew in my garden (the single most successful thing I grew this year which I wasn't really excited about until I ate that soup!!) Roasting all of the veggies - including the onions and garlic - elevates squash soup to some sort of divine manna. I would not steer you wrong. You've gotta try it.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Naughty Holiday Eating
Hey, check out Linda LaRue's own blog. It's really good! She has lots of good information, and just interesting posts. I find this post really helpful: http://lindalarue.blogspot.com/2008/10/avoid-holiday-hangover_22.html
Tip #2, the one about taking a pre-emptive strike against naughty eating at parties by having a healthy snack before you leave the house, to be SO helpful. It really works for me. I've been finding that when I slow down long enough to think about what foods are going to be best for me (the Souper Slim planner is a great cheat sheet), and then take the time to shop for and prep those foods for myself, it's WAY easier to pass on the unhealthy stuff in social settings. I mean, I didn't used to have self discipline when it came to my favorite foods. But looking at the big picture, and like I said, investing time in MYSELF by food planning makes all the difference in the world!
Tip #2, the one about taking a pre-emptive strike against naughty eating at parties by having a healthy snack before you leave the house, to be SO helpful. It really works for me. I've been finding that when I slow down long enough to think about what foods are going to be best for me (the Souper Slim planner is a great cheat sheet), and then take the time to shop for and prep those foods for myself, it's WAY easier to pass on the unhealthy stuff in social settings. I mean, I didn't used to have self discipline when it came to my favorite foods. But looking at the big picture, and like I said, investing time in MYSELF by food planning makes all the difference in the world!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Get Out And Vote
Hey Peeps,
Have you voted yet?? You have a few hours left... what an exciting election year. You can do kegel exercises while waiting in line, if you're in one of those areas with long lines at the polls :) See, you really CAN do Crunchless Abs anywhere, even while doing your civic duty!
Have you voted yet?? You have a few hours left... what an exciting election year. You can do kegel exercises while waiting in line, if you're in one of those areas with long lines at the polls :) See, you really CAN do Crunchless Abs anywhere, even while doing your civic duty!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Deep Down Abs With No Crunches
This is a Workout #3 kind of a day. It's such a great feeling, spending just those few minutes in the morning to really get my body woken up and aware of itself. The downward dogs felt really good this morning and you know which exercise I find really interesting? The one where you lie on your bag, legs straight into the air, toes flexed and pointed outword, lifting head and shoulders off the ground. It reaches deep down into the floor of the abs. It's kind of amazing the way it taps muscles that normally don't get very worked.
Monday, October 20, 2008
English Menu on the Counter
Have you played around with the calorie counter yet? It's kind of fun. Maybe I need to find a calculator, though, that tells me how many calories I really should be aiming toward for my height, etc. It's clearly not an American-made calculator - British perhaps? Tinned tuna, biscuits instead of cookies and veal blanquette... not sure what that is. Somethng fancy and inhumane. :( And don't even get me started on foie gras. Ah, chicken curry and ham and cheese pizza - it must be English!! So, obviously, not everything on that counter should be indulged in for lovely abs!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wireless Ab Workout :)
So I'm in this Borders in a snooty town and I was feeling a little bitter for laying down for a spendy mocha, settling into a cushy chair, thinking I'd write to you, totally taking for granted that free wirelesss was everywhere... when the now ubiquitous t-mobile pay-to-play page pops up. That's when the snarky feeling cropped up. After some fiddling, however, a free network availed itself and now I feel triumphant. The friend I am here with, though, is locked out. Poor fella. So, let me cheer you on to a strong start today with a little ab workout! And then an espresso drink.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Better Muscle Control
Started off the morning with Workout 2 of Crunchless Abs today. What a great feeling to get to the point where I feel very in control of my body when I'm doing the exercises. For example, the portion of that workout that moves through a series of poses - pushup, arm/leg extended, arm/leg pulled in... I was so awkward when I first started doing that one. Now I may not look as good as the girls in the video but at least I'm not flailing around!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Calorie Counter
Hey, look at that! I added a Calorie Counter to this blog. Try it out and let me know what you think of it. It's kind of fun. Looks like I get to have dessert tonight!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Stronger Abdominal Core
This might sound ludicrous, but yesterday I was using a hand saw to prune these shrubby trees and I could feel the work of the Crunchless Abs paying off in real life! I could feel my core abdominals actively helping with that upper body work. It was cool! Made the job way easier than it might have been previously, and NO sore muscles!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Variety of Poses
I really appreciate the variety of moves in these workouts. Incorporating poses from yoga and pilates keeps it interesting and gives more of the body a workout.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Ab Workout 2 - The Little Moves
I love the simple little moves - like in Workout 2, where you're in a sort of plank pose, with your arms in front of your mat, and you just slide them back and forth on the towel, and it activates deep abdominals that you otherwise would be kind of unaware of.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Crunchless Brain
I'm thinking I should develop my own series called Crunchless Meditation. Crunchless Abs sure works... now I need a system of doing the meditation thing on my brain without making my brain think that it's doing the work. Know what I mean?? Maybe that's a marketable version of the everyday-in-action type of meditation or brain training... like, every time you get stopped at a red light, focus on your breath, or think on one positive, hopeful mantra.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Strike One
Did you wish me luck? Because I've totally NOT done the meditation thing. I guess my abs don't need it, but I'll bet my brain would be happier, n'est-ce pas? I'll try again...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Work Out Then Meditate
I'm going to try to add meditation to my morning ritual. Just a little bit. Not in pursuit of enlightenment, but just to start myself out on an even keel each day. The question is, before or after I do the Crunchless Abs workout? I'm leaning toward right after. Wake it, shake it and then gather myself and focus. Wish me luck.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
The Be Good Claras
Well I THOUGHT I was back on the wagon... but with summer parties and friends migrating in and out of town, it's hard!!!! But, for real, I'm being good. At least the Crunchless Abs ladies are consistent!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Abs Off the Wagon
OK, I'm back on track. Weened myself back off the wheat and dairy after a couple weeks off the wagon. So hopefully in the next few days that thick in the middle/fuzzy in the brain feeling will be history! Now I've got a date with the crunchless abs girls...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Battle of the Bulge
So, I admit I've been eating all the wrong things lately. More of that pizza. And other bread and cheese stuff. And I feel FAT. Ugh. Must. Stop.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Presto Steals the Show
I finally saw WALL-E the other night. It was cute enough with a good message, but didn't really leave much of an impression on me. The show-stopper was the short that comes BEFORE the movie. "Presto!" It was fantastic!!!! Every second of it was hyper-engaging and clever. Can't say enough how much I loved it - it's definitely got an old-school Looney Toons flavor. It's only $1.99 iTunes - now THAT's worth the price of admission!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Pizza-less Abs
Pizza is my enemy. The Crunchless Abs girls are getting my abs in shape, but I had my share of a pepperoni pizza night before last and I puffed up. Every time. Why don't I learn?? So, feeling fat today, but it's the cheese's fault.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Ideal Time to Crunch Abs?
Must go to work early today, but will do the ab extravaganza later on today. Hold me to it! If I get knocked out of my regular schedule, it's hard to stay in the rhythm. Know what I mean? Hey, is there an ideal time to exercise? Physiologically, I mean. I should look into that...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Abs Not So Fab Today
OK, so I'm not feeling particularly slim today. I suppose I haven't been eating the best lately. Hopefully the ab girls will cheer me on in the morning!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Getting Stronger
It's such a good feeling - getting stronger, making progress. Isn't it? Whether it's your abdominal muscles or some other part of life.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Swimsuit Countdown
Perhaps I'm not SOOOO far away from swimsuit-ready. I don't think I'll have my poolside debut until July, so I've still got plenty of mornings with the abs girls!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Bikini Season
You see all those bikinis in the stores right now? Well I do, and the alarm is being sounded. Crunchless Abs is definitely the one-stop-shop for bikini prep, I think. I felt like a brick when I hit the plank poses today, but I will forge on!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Linda LaRue = RN
Huh. I don't remember seeing this bio on Linda LaRue (developer of Crunchless Abs) before. The girl knows what she's talking about. The fact that she's an RN and recovered from some big injuries makes me feel good about not just her knowledge, but her sensitivity to avoiding injury. Some exercise programs seem sort of rambo and not safe for the new-to-movement crowd. Thanks, Nurse LaRue!
Monday, May 12, 2008
No Gimmicks
Wow, this picture of pole dancing for fitness is funny. I don't know if they're really pole dancing, but, well, one would imagine. Which brings to mind that one of the things I like about Crunchless Abs is that it isn't gimmicky.
It just works.
It just works.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Crunchless Abs for the Crunch Lover
This is one blog you've got to check out: http://www.agirlandaboy.com/journal/archives/001407.html
In this entry, a crunch-happy gal gets crunchless abs enlightenment, and particularly digs the kegel marathon. Fully entertaining!
In this entry, a crunch-happy gal gets crunchless abs enlightenment, and particularly digs the kegel marathon. Fully entertaining!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Eat Whole Foods for Sexy Abs
The Crunchless Abs program has more going for it than just a pretty face. It's got some great down-home advice fundamental to success no matter what your fitness goal is. My favorite: Eat Seasonal Whole Foods. Words to live by, my friends. Now's the time of year I get excited about just such an endeavor. You could go even further yet and become a locavore! It was the OAD's word of the year, you know. All I mean to say is fuel your body with a moderate amount of nutritious wholesome unprocessed foods and you'll be taking a huge leap toward fitness from the inside out. OK, now get back to those reps!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Crunchless Abs
Work those abs! Tighten that girdle of abdominal muscles! Focus on your core! There's your mantra for the day. You can take Crunchless Abs with you in your brain as you go about your day.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Resculpt Those Abs
I like the testimonial from the woman whose abs are better than they were 20 years ago after using Crunchless Abs. That's encouraging!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Rock Hard Abs
OK, maybe I don't have rock hard abs yet, but you've got to love the increased awareness of your posture and muscle control throughout the day once you start exercising regularly. BTW, don't pay any attention to Peyton Manning.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Kegel Galore
Interestingly, she tries to get you to continuously kegel throughtout the workout. It's supposed to really make a difference in the quality of your workout.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Souper Slim
Don't miss out on the soup recipes in the book that comes with the DVDs. Each recipe makes a week's worth of servings. I just found a website that says Souper Slim is like Rachael Ray meets Richard Simmons!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Abdominal Core
Hurray! It wasn't like starting all over again. I'm looking forward to getting the feeling that the entire girdle of muscles is getting stronger. I'd better start doing it more often than I have been so I can keep advancing through the more challenging workouts. And, I think I need to focus more on the abdominal core in the process.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Ants Rule
Yikes. I've got house guests who are occupying the room where I usually exercise. Do you think it'll be like starting all over again when I resume my regime? Ha ha, you've got to take a peek at Wikipedia's abdomen listing. It compares humans to ants. Let's assume the scale isn't quite right! Speaking of ants, you should also take in this mini documentary about ants and their spectacular construction capabilities. Unreal.
Monday, February 25, 2008
In the video, Tracey Mallett says "find those abs!" and I was thinking... "I can't find them!" You know when you haven't worked out in a long time and you can't totally get each muscle to obey or even feel like it's working. Well, day 1 and day 2 after the workout, I found those abs: OUCH! It was the good kind of ouch, though... the IT'S WORKING kind of ouch.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
10-Minute Workout
Whew! It feels good to move after months of doing nothing active. The first program on the DVD is Crunchless Abs 1 and it's only about 10 minutes long. That's my kind of workout! Not long enough to get bored with it, but long enough to feel like it's doing something beneficial. The plank pose portion of it kicked my behind, but all in all in felt great. All you need is a chair and a yoga mat. Good stuff.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Crunchless abs? Um, sign me up. Crunches have got to be my least favorite exercise ever. Ever! So, if there's a way around that, I'm in. Why the blog? Because I won't stick to an exercise regimen without some accountability. I just won't. So, this'll be my little log book to track how it's going.
Here's my plan. I'm going to use this DVD exercise class called Crunchless Abs that I ordered online. First thing's first... gotta watch the videos. Guess I'd better put down the spaghetti and meatballs first!
Here's my plan. I'm going to use this DVD exercise class called Crunchless Abs that I ordered online. First thing's first... gotta watch the videos. Guess I'd better put down the spaghetti and meatballs first!
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