Monday, November 24, 2008

Most Rewarding Part

When I set out on the Crunchless Abs mission, I would have thought that the flat abs would be the most rewarding part of the process. But now i'm thinking that even more valuable than that is how it brings you into your body. It makes you aware of your muscles and how you use them when you're out in the world. While doing chores, ice skating with little kids, whatever... you have a new sense of how you're using your body. It's good.


Linda LaRue said...

Hey Clara and Everyone-Check out my most recent article on entitled, "How to Avoid the Holiday (Muffin Top) Hangover".

Remember first and always to keep my Crunchless Abs (CABs) Set-Up when you're moving.


Linda LaRue

Clara said...

Thanks for the tip! What an inspiring website.

Unknown said...

Great website. My Female Abs can use all the good advice and inspiration available. Have a great but sensible holiday