Sunday, May 23, 2010

Many Benefits from Crunchless Abs Workouts

When I began the Crunchless Abs program, I thought that flat abs were definitely the most important goal. But it turns out that there are other benefits to these exercise videos. Because they strengthen your abdominal core, you’ll notice that you take new strength into everything you do. Your posture improves. And it brings you into your body. You become aware of your muscles and how you’re using them when you go about your regular activities. Gardening, house work, sports and other forms of exercise, and the like. You will get a new sense of how you use your body and more control over every move you make.

You can feel your core abdominals activate and help with upper-body work you do around the house and yard. You’ll even feel your abs kick into gear when you’re climbing a hill. You’ll get straighter, taller, and it will be easier to trudge upward.

One of the ways that the workouts give you this well-rounded core improvement is that there are a big variety of moves featured. Incorporating various poses from the traditions of yoga and pilates keeps it interesting and gives your body a great workout. Hopefully you too will notice this variety of benefits from this program that also happens to give you sexy abs without crunches.

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