Sunday, August 31, 2008

Crunchless Brain

I'm thinking I should develop my own series called Crunchless Meditation. Crunchless Abs sure works... now I need a system of doing the meditation thing on my brain without making my brain think that it's doing the work. Know what I mean?? Maybe that's a marketable version of the everyday-in-action type of meditation or brain training... like, every time you get stopped at a red light, focus on your breath, or think on one positive, hopeful mantra.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Strike One

Did you wish me luck? Because I've totally NOT done the meditation thing. I guess my abs don't need it, but I'll bet my brain would be happier, n'est-ce pas? I'll try again...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Work Out Then Meditate

I'm going to try to add meditation to my morning ritual. Just a little bit. Not in pursuit of enlightenment, but just to start myself out on an even keel each day. The question is, before or after I do the Crunchless Abs workout? I'm leaning toward right after. Wake it, shake it and then gather myself and focus. Wish me luck.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Be Good Claras

Well I THOUGHT I was back on the wagon... but with summer parties and friends migrating in and out of town, it's hard!!!! But, for real, I'm being good. At least the Crunchless Abs ladies are consistent!!!